Frequently Asked Questions

Collective FAQ here...


What is the difference between the exhibition and the competition?

The BrainArt exhibition is an annual event held during the OHBM Annual Meeting. We dedicate a physical space at the meeting venue to showcase selected artworks. A few months before, we open our call for proposals and select the pieces to be featured in the exhibition.

The BrainArt competition is also an annual event in which we invite artists, scientists, and the general public to submit their works across various categories. All submissions are showcased in our website and social media channels. Two winners are chosen per category - one selected by public voting, and another by our jury.

Do I need to register or attend the OHBM annual meeting to participate in the exhibition or competition?

No, these activities are open to everyone. You can submit your proposal for the exhibition or submit your piece for the competition even if you are not attending the OHBM annual meeting.

Get in touch.

If you still have questions, or simply wish to get in touch, please feel free to contact us


The website and its associated repository are the work of the Brain-Art Special Interest Group of the Organization for Human Brain mapping (OHBM). As such their content belong to the creators and do not necessarily constitute the official views or positions of OHBM, its affiliates, or employees.